

result 116 件

Author Tran, Hoang-Nam/ Phan, Ngoc-Quang/ Pham, Tuan-Dat/ Le, Quang-Huy/ Nguyen, Thi-Phuong-Thu/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2024: Official Conference Proceedings
Published Date 2024-08-02
departments International Center
Author Fujimoto, Keiko/ Suito, Hideki/ Nagao, Kan/ Ichikawa, Tetsuo/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences
Volume 36
Issue 2
Published Date 2024-03-27
departments Oral Sciences University Hospital
Author Tran, Hoang Nam/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title 令和5年度全学FD推進プログラム 第19回大学教育カンファレンスin徳島 発表抄録集
Published Date 2023-12-26
departments International Center
Author Tran, Hoang Nam/ Matsuura, Yukie/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The European Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings
Published Date 2023-09-29
departments International Center Medical Sciences
Author Tran, Hoang Nam/ Marinova, Katya/ Nghiem, Van Hong/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Education Sciences
Volume 13
Issue 6
Published Date 2023-05-26
departments International Center
Author Nagao, Kan/ Fujimoto, Keiko/ Suito, Hideki/ Goto, Takaharu/ Ishida, Yuichi/ Watanabe, Megumi/ Ichikawa, Tetsuo/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences
Volume 35
Issue 2
Published Date 2023-03-25
departments Oral Sciences University Hospital
Author Yamauchi, Yoko/ Inoue, Mitsuyo/ Suzuki, Shizue/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Journal of Nursing Investigation
Volume 20
Issue 2
Published Date 2023-03-31
Author Uchiyama, Hachiro/ Ouchi, Mikio/ Ichikawa, Kazuo/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title JAILA Journal
Volume 3
Published Date 2017-03
departments Liberal Arts and Sciences
Author Uchiyama, Hachiro/ Ikoma, Maki/ Takagi, Shigemitsu/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title JAILA Journal
Volume 4
Published Date 2018-03
departments Liberal Arts and Sciences
Author Uchiyama, Hachiro/ Taylor, Mark/ Inoue, Hiroki/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title JAILA Journal
Volume 7
Published Date 2021-03
departments Liberal Arts and Sciences
Author Hoshina, Yoji/ Yada, Keigo/ Maki, Hidenori/ Yoshino, Toru/ Takaiso, Hodaka/ Akaike, Masashi/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Journal of Medical Investigation
Volume 69
Issue 3-4
Published Date 2022-08
departments University Hospital Medical Sciences
Author Murakami, Naoya/ Ohno, Tatsuya/ Toita, Takafumi/ Ando, Ken/ Ii, Noriko/ Okamoto, Hiroyuki/ Kojima, Toru/ Tsujino, Kayoko/ Masui, Koji/ Yoshida, Ken/ Ikushima, Hitoshi/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Journal of Radiation Research
Volume 63
Issue 3
Published Date 2022-03-28
departments Medical Sciences
Author Tanaka, Eiji/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Frontiers of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine
Volume 3
Published Date 2021-06-10
departments Oral Sciences
Author Tran, Hoang Nam/ Inosaki, Atsuko/ Jin, Cheng-Hai/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation 2022: Official Conference Proceedings
Published Date 2022-07-07
departments International Center Health Service and Counseling Center
Author Byambadorj, Zolzaya/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2022-03-23
Author Tran, Hoang Nam/ Hashimoto, Satoshi/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Asian Conference on Language 2022: Official Conference Proceedings
Published Date 2022-05-30
departments International Center
Author Yokotani, Tomoya/ Tanioka, Tetsuya/ Betriana, Feni/ Yasuhara, Yuko/ Ito, Hirokazu/ Soriano, Gil P./ Dino, Michael Joseph/ Locsin, Rozzano C/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title Nurse Media Journal of Nursing
Volume 11
Issue 3
Published Date 2021-12-27
departments Medical Sciences
Author Sato, Miki/ Betriana, Feni/ Tanioka, Ryuichi/ Osaka, Kyoko/ Tanioka, Tetsuya/ Schoenhofer, Savina/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Volume 18
Issue 24
Published Date 2021-12-07
departments Medical Sciences
Author Byambadorj, Zolzaya/ Nishimura, Ryota/ Ayush, Altangerel/ Ohta, Kengo/ Kitaoka, Norihide/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
Volume 2021
Published Date 2021-12-04
departments Science and Technology
Author Murakami, Chiaki/ Kakuta, Nami/ Satomi, Shiho/ Nakamura, Ryuji/ Miyoshi, Hirotsugu/ Morio, Atsushi/ Saeki, Noboru/ Kato, Takahiro/ Ohshita, Naohiro/ Tanaka, Katsuya/ Tsutsumi, Yasuo M./
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition)
Volume 70
Issue 5
Published Date 2020-06-25
departments Medical Sciences University Hospital