ID | 119694 |
Title Alternative | Oceanic-plate stratigraphy and radiolarian zonation of the Hegawa Section in northern South Chichibu Belt (Kurano Subbelt), East Shikoku
Author |
Ishida, Keisuke
University of Tokushima
Tokushima University Educator and Researcher Directory
KAKEN Search Researchers
Shimakawa, Mikiko
Osaka City University
Kozai, Takeshi
Naruto University of Education
Yao, Akira
Osaka City University
Keywords | biostratigraphy
radiolarian age
oceanic-plate stratigraphy
chert-clastic succession
slope-basin facies
South Chichibu Belt
East Shikoku
Content Type |
Journal Article
Description | The oceanic-plate stratigraphy (OPS) of the Jurassic accretionary complexes in the Kurano Subbelt of the Southern Chichibu Belt is investigated in the Hegawa Section, East Shikoku. The section is composed of bedded-cherts (A), siliceous-shale with the intercalation of chert beds (B), turbiditic sandstone and mudstone (C), distal turbidite with some sliding-blocks (D), and the deltaic sandstone (E) sedimentary units in ascending order. Among the units, lower part of the Unit B remains the intercalated vertical contact with the unit A, even the base of the unit is cut by a fault. The Unit B has gradual contact with the Unit C. The Unit Chas abrupt contact with the basal SBS-type coarse sandstone bed of the Unit D. The radiolarian zonation of the Hegawa Section is subdivided into the Parvicingula gigantocornis Assemblage Zone (Pg AZ: upper Lower Jurassic), Hsuum hisuikyoense AZ (Hh AZ: upper Lower Jurassic), Tricolocapsa plicarum AZ (Tp AZ: lower Middle Jurassic) and the Tricolocapsa conexa AZ (Tc AZ: upper Middle Jurassic) in ascending order. The units C and D include the exotic blocks of siliceous sediments that are the intercalation of siliceous mudstone, tuff and chert. The blocks derived from the Parahsuum takarazawaense AZ (Pt: upper Lower Jurassic) and the Pg AZ. The blocks fill the litho- and biostratigraphic gap between the Unit A and Unit B. Caused by the development of decollement along the lithological boundary between chert unit (A) and siliceous-shale unit (B), the blocks are probably derived from the preceding OPS-succession that has accreted just before the accretion of the units A to C of the Hegawa Section. Based on the correlation of the radiolarian zones, the units A to C of the section accreted during late Middle Jurassic.
Journal Title |
大阪微化石研究会誌, 特別号
ISSN | 02870436
NCID | AN10364962
Publisher | 大阪微化石研究会
Volume | 13
Start Page | 181
End Page | 195
Published Date | 2004-12
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departments |
Science and Technology