ID | 118172 |
Title Alternative | A Treatment Case of Skeletal Class I Crowding with Anterior Crossbite and Posterior Discrepancy : Long-term Follow-up
Author |
Shinohara, Takehiro
Shinohara Orthodontic Clinic
Kuribayashi, Kyoko
Ehime University
Sakamaki, Takuma
Tokushima University
Tanaka, Eiji
Tokushima University
Tokushima University Educator and Researcher Directory
KAKEN Search Researchers
Keywords | 長期保定
Content Type |
Journal Article
Description | A girl, aged 7 years 1 month, had an anterior crossbite, crowding, and a skeletal Class I jaw-base relationship. At phase 1 treatment, anterior crossbite and crowding were improved by using a quad-helix for the maxillary arch and an expansion plate for the mandibular arch. At age of 13 years and 1 month, she had a diagnosis of anterior crowding with excessive posterior discrepancy and labially-inclined maxillary incisors. Following extraction of bilateral maxillary and mandibular second premolars, multibracket treatment was initiated. The treatment period with multibracket appliances was 2 years and 10 months. The resultant occlusion was stable throughout a 5-year retention period. Our results suggest the importance of evaluation of available space for not only anterior but also posterior teeth alignment for long-term posttreatment stability.
Journal Title |
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences
ISSN | 21896682
Publisher | 四国歯学会
Volume | 35
Issue | 2
Start Page | 94
End Page | 104
Sort Key | 94
Published Date | 2023-03-25
EDB ID | |
DOI (Published Version) | |
URL ( Publisher's Version ) | |
FullText File | |
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departments |
Oral Sciences