

result 11616 件

Author Shioyasono, Atsushi/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 四国歯学会雑誌
Volume 18
Issue 1
Published Date 2005-06
Author Mendoza, Afanador/ Cecilia, Elaine/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 四国歯学会雑誌
Volume 18
Issue 1
Published Date 2005-06
Author 西川, 義晃/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
Author 直井, 義典/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
Author 直井, 義典/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
Author 樋口, 直人/ 稲葉, 奈々子/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 村瀬, 博志/ 樋口, 直人/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 水島, 多喜男/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 趙, 彤/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 高木, 竜輔/ 松谷, 満/ 丸山, 真央/ 矢部, 拓也/ 樋口, 直人/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 21
Published Date 2008-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Yoshida, Hiroshi/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Yabe, Takuya/ Matsutani, Mitsuru/ Takaki, Ryosuke/ Maruyama, Masao/ Murase, Hiroshi/ Kubota, Shigeru/ Higuchi, Naoto/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 松谷, 満/ Ito, Midori/ 久保田, 滋/ 樋口, 直人/ 矢部, 拓也/ 高木, 竜輔/ 丸山, 真央/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Fujimori, Yoshimitsu/ Kashida, Yoshio/ Okada, Mitsuhiro/ Terashima, Yoshiyasu/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 東, 暁/ 石田, 和之/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 佐竹, 文子/ 上野, 加代子/ 樫田, 美雄/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 20
Published Date 2007-02
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 熊谷, 美香/ 矢部, 拓也/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 19
Published Date 2006-01
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 樫田, 美雄/ 竹岡, 勝行/ 真鍋, 陸太郎/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 19
Published Date 2006-01
Author 丸山, 真央/ 高木, 竜輔/ 村瀬, 博志/ 久保田, 滋/ 樋口, 直人/ 矢部, 拓也/ 松谷, 満/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 19
Published Date 2006-01
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 高木, 竜輔/ 丸山, 真央/ 村瀬, 博志/ 久保田, 滋/ 樋口, 直人/ 矢部, 拓也/ 松谷, 満/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学社会科学研究
Volume 19
Published Date 2006-01
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences