ID | 119707 |
Title Alternative | Oral Health-related Factors Involved in the Onset of Pneumonia in Latter-stage Older Adults Receiving Oral Health Examination
Author |
Sone, Ichika
Tokushima University
Fukui, Makoto
Tokushima University
Tokushima University Educator and Researcher Directory
KAKEN Search Researchers
Shimomura, Manabu
Tokushima Prefecture Dental Association
Okamoto, Yoshifumi
Tokushima Prefecture Dental Association
Matsumoto, Kimi
Tokushima Prefecture Dental Association
Keywords | 後期高齢者
Latter-stage older adult
Oral health examination
Oral health-related factor
Content Type |
Journal Article
Description | 本研究の目的は,歯科健診データを用いて,誤嚥性肺炎を含めた後期高齢者の肺炎発症に関わる口腔保健関連因子を調べることである.対象者は,平成27年からの5年間に後期高齢者歯科健診プログラムを受診した75,80,85および90歳の徳島市住民3,747名である.解析には,各対象者から得られたアンケート調査と歯科健診結果をデータとして使用した.1年以内の肺炎発症の有無を横断的分析のアウトカムとし,高齢者の全身状態および口腔状態との関連性について調べた.また,平成27年に受診した677名については縦断的分析を行った.
横断研究における二項ロジスティック回帰分析では,肺炎発症に関わる口腔保健関連因子として,「飲み物がむせる」「口の渇き」「年に1回以上の定期歯科健診を受けていない」の項目との間に有意な関連性が認められた.また,縦断研究ではKaplan-Meier分析において,誤嚥性肺炎の発症に関連する因子として,「プラーク・食渣が中程度・多量」「4mm以上の歯周ポケットあり」の項目との間に有意な関連性を認めた.Cox比例ハザード分析により,感染性肺炎の発症に関連する因子として,「口の渇き」の項目との間に有意な関連性が認められた. これらの結果より,後期高齢者歯科健診受診者の肺炎発症に関わる口腔保健関連因子として,定期歯科健診に加えて,飲み物がむせることや口の渇きなどの口腔機能低下も関与することが示唆された. |
Description Alternative | The purpose of this study was to investigate oral health-related factors involved in the development of pneumonia, including aspiration pneumonia, in latter-stage older adults using oral health examination data. The participants enrolled in this cross-sectional study were 3,747 Tokushima City residents aged 75, 80, 85, or 90 years old who received oral health examination for latter-stage older adults during the five years of the study. As the onset of pneumonia within a year was the outcome of cross-sectional analysis, we investigated the association with oral health/general and oral conditions using data from the questionnaire survey and oral health examination obtained from each participant. A longitudinal analysis was also performed involving 677 participants who received oral health examinations in 2015.
“Choking on drinks”, “dry mouth”, and “no regular dental check-ups at least once a year” were factors related to the onset of pneumonia by binomial logistic regression analysis in the cross-sectional study. “Moderate/large amounts of plaque/food debris” and “periodontal pocket depth of 4 mm or more” were factors related to the onset of aspiration pneumonia by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Moreover, “dry mouth” was a factor related to the onset of infectious pneumonia by Cox proportional hazards analysis. These results suggest that oral health-related factors involved in the onset of pneumonia in latter-stage older adults include a decreased oral function such as choking on drinks and dry mouth, in addition to oral hygiene, periodontal conditions, and regular dental check-ups. |
Journal Title |
Journal of Dental Health
ISSN | 00232831
NCID | AN00081407
Publisher | 日本口腔衛生学会
Volume | 74
Issue | 2
Start Page | 116
End Page | 124
Published Date | 2024
EDB ID | |
DOI (Published Version) | |
URL ( Publisher's Version ) | |
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departments |
Oral Sciences