Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Tanimura, Chie/ Nemoto, Junko/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Volume 7
Issue 6
Published Date 2023-06-07
departments Science and Technology
Author Tsuge, Satoru/ Shishibori, Masami/ Kita, Kenji/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部研究報告
Volume 53
Published Date 2008
departments Science and Technology
Author Shishibori, Masami/ Tsuge, Satoru/ Kita, Kenji/
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Journal Title 徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部研究報告
Volume 55
Published Date 2010
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
Volume 19
Published Date 2024-01-01
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
Volume 15
Issue 22
Published Date 2020
departments Science and Technology
Author Kawai, Junya/ Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Procedia Computer Science
Volume 72
Published Date 2015-12-23
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Inoue, Takehisa/ Yamaguchi, Kenji/ Takechi, Yasuichi/ Morimoto, Mari/ Iwaka, Kazuhisa/ Kozuki, Yasunori/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Procedia Computer Science
Volume 72
Published Date 2015-12-23
departments Science and Technology Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment
Author Kawai, Junya/ Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Interactive Technology and Smart Education
Volume 13
Issue 3
Published Date 2016-09-19
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Iguchi, K./ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
Volume 12
Issue 2
Published Date 2017
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/ Kashihara, Akihiro/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Volume E101-D
Issue 4
Published Date 2018-04-01
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/ Kashihara, Akihiro/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Journal of Information and Systems in Education
Volume 17
Issue 1
Published Date 2018-05-19
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title The Journal of Information and Systems in Education
Volume 19
Issue 1
Published Date 2020-07-01
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Tanimura, Chie/ Nemoto, Junko/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Procedia Computer Science
Volume 159
Published Date 2019-10-14
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Tanimura, Chie/ Nemoto, Junko/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title Procedia Computer Science
Volume 192
Published Date 2021-10-01
departments Science and Technology
Author Mitsuhara, Hiroyuki/ Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Journal Article
Journal Title International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
Volume 16
Issue 6
Published Date 2022-03-22
departments Science and Technology
Author Shishibori, Masami/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 1997-04
departments Science and Technology