Author Kurashina, Masashi/ Kato, Daiki/ Li, Haoyuan/ Shiba, Keita/ Morishita, Yuta/ Shibata, Kazuki/ Quyen, Ho Hong/ Yasuzawa, Mikito/
Content Type Book
Journal Title The 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites
Published Date 2023-11-21
departments Science and Technology
Author Furuya, Ray/ 竹腰, 達哉/ 田村, 陽一/ 川邊, 良平/ 河野, 孝太郎/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Large Submillimeter Telescope Document Series
Volume 1
Published Date 2023
departments Liberal Arts and Sciences
Author Herbert, Wolfgang/
Content Type Book
Journal Title The Yakuza in Popular Media : Honorable Criminals or Violent Gangsters?
Published Date 2021-07-08
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Moreton, George/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 回遊型巡礼の道 四国遍路を世界遺産に
Published Date 2017-11-09
departments Liberal Arts and Sciences
Author Fujisawa, Akira/ Matsumoto, Kazuyuki/ Ohta, Kazuki/ Yoshida, Minoru/ Kita, Kenji/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Volume 331
Published Date 2020-10-01
departments Science and Technology
Author Hashino, Shinpei/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 持続する志 : 岩永省三先生退職記念論文集
Published Date 2021-03
departments Archaeological Heritage Management Office
Author Hashino, Shinpei/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 考古学は科学か : 田中良之先生追悼論文集
Published Date 2016-05
departments Archaeological Heritage Management Office
Author Stephens, Meredith/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Intercultural Families and Schooling in Japan: Experiences, Issues, and Challenges
Published Date 2020-09-24
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Herbert, Wolfgang/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Japans Unterwelt: Reisen in das Reich der Yakuza
Published Date 2022-03
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Murata, Akihiro/
Content Type Book
Published Date 1998-03
departments Science and Technology
Author Murata, Akihiro/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 地球環境の変容
Published Date 1990-10-30
departments Science and Technology
Author Murata, Akihiro/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 日本の地質構造100選
Published Date 2012-05-20
departments Science and Technology
Author Stephens, Meredith/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Critical Perspectives on 21st Century Friendship: Polyamory, Polygamy, and Platonic Affinity
Published Date 2019
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Stephens, Meredith/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Mothering, Community, and Friendship
Published Date 2022
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author Hino, Junichi/ Ooya, Satoshi/ Shigenai, Yuka/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Experiments, Materials and Signal Processing
Published Date 2021-04-23
departments Science and Technology
Author Ukida, Hiroyuki/ Yamazoe, Kouki/ Tominaga, Masahide/ Sasao, Tomoyo/ Terada, Kenji/
Content Type Book
Journal Title Frontiers of Computer Vision
Published Date 2022-05-17
departments Science and Technology Medical Sciences Center for Community Revitalization
Author Bando, Hiroshi/
Content Type Book
Published Date 2020-08
departments Medical Sciences
Author 山田, 仁子/
Content Type Book
Journal Title 英語学の視点
Published Date 1989-08-26
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences
Author 山田, 仁子/
Content Type Book
Journal Title ことばの標(しるべ) : 平井昭徳君追悼論文集
Published Date 2005-11-10
departments Integrated Arts and Sciences