Author Haraya, Yuki/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2015-03-23
Author Amano, Yuichiro/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2014-12-11
Author Ido, Yusuke/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2015-09-10
departments Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences
Author Sogawa, Yuka/ Fukui, Makoto/ Nakamura, Shingen/ Sogabe, Kimiko/ Sumitani, Ryohei/ Yoshioka, Masami/ Abe, Masahiro/ Hinode, Daisuke/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title International Journal of Hematology
Volume 112
Issue 6
Published Date 2020-09-03
departments Oral Sciences Medical Sciences University Hospital
Author 中澤, 俊介/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2015-12-10
Author Tsuji, Kohei/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2015-09-10
Author Omura, Tomoya/ Matsuyama, Miwa/ Nishioka, Shota/ Sagawa, Shomu/ Seto, Masaya/ Naoe, Mitsugu/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Volume 102
Issue 11
Published Date 2021-07-10
departments Oral Sciences
Author 岡﨑, 孝博/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2014-09-11
Author Nakagi, Satomi/ Tada, Toshiko/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title The Journal of Medical Investigation
Volume 61
Issue 1-2
Published Date 2014-02
departments Medical Sciences
Author Shimizu, Yukichi/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2015-03-05
departments Center for Research Administration & Collaboration
Author Tsuda, Shugo/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2016-07-14
Author Sakamoto, Harumi/ Fukui, Makoto/ Doi, Tokiko/ Yoshioka, Masami/ Hinode, Daisuke/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title Journal of Dental Health
Volume 73
Issue 1
Published Date 2023
departments Oral Sciences
Author 田良島, 典子/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2016-03-07
departments Pharmaceutical Sciences
Author Sato, Miki/ Yasuhara, Yuko/ Tanioka, Tetsuya/ Iwasa, Yukie/ Miyake, Masafumi/ Yasui, Toshiyuki/ Tomotake, Masahito/ Kobayashi, Haruo/ Locsin, Rozzano C/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
Volume 10
Published Date 2014-01-17
departments Medical Sciences
Author Okahisa, Reiko/ Tada, Toshiko/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Journal Title The Journal of Medical Investigation
Volume 61
Issue 1-2
Published Date 2014-02
departments Medical Sciences
Author 棚田, 教生/
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Published Date 2016-03-04
著者 Iizuka, Kenzo/
資料タイプ Thesis or Dissertation
備考 内容要旨・審査要旨・論文本文の公開
文科省報告番号 乙第2103号
学位記番号 乙創第8号
学位授与年月日 2018-07-12
学位名 Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science